Frunny is back! In his new adventure he must rescue girlfriend Sandy from an old mansion...
Frunny is back from his vacation on Sunny Island and find Sandy his girlfriend imprisoned by
ghosts and zombies in his old mansion. Sandy has left a last hint for Frunny but now he must
find his way through this old mansion to rescue Sandy. Ten big levels full of ghosts, zombies
and other terriblly enemies making it a heavy task for Frunny to finish his quest. Ghosts have
closed all doors in the mansion and hide all keys in barrels. Frunny must find all barrels to
open all closed doors. Frunny must also turn on all ghost-alert units in the level to
succesfully exit. Frunny can wear a ghost-costum and use a specail ghost-trap to protect
himselve from attacks.
left Softkey: start game
right Softkey: Option / Pause
Joystick: move Frunny
Joystick (down): take barrel
Key 5: throw barrel, turn on alarmsystem, open doors
Star Key: place Ghosttrap
complete ingame help available