Bubu Avatar is a unique mixture of mobile tamagotchi and adventure game!
The player is faced with the challenge of taking care of Bubu. Keeping him is not be enough; you must also keep him in a good mood, and train Bubu for the final battle with the Rabbit – Klingorian Killer who is approaching the planet Bombadoo in his spaceship. Bubu can not face the Killer without battle training (against horrible creatures, like: Balbina Goose, Freak-a-chu, Psycholand, and the violent Trasheater!)
Sometimes you can also gain battle experience (in the form of “Bubower Points”) in a quarrel with Bubus’ mates (anything can happen when you empty a bottle of Bombabooze or smoke a potent Bombajoint ;-) ) or with Bubus’ girl (oh, the females…).
The Bubu must be trained and maintained in a good mood , otherwise when the final battle comes, Rabbit the Klingonian Killer will eat him raw! And under the reign of Rabbit the Bombadoo will be lost! Take care of Bubu then, since he is the last hope of the Bombadarians!
ABOUT ZGroup Mobile Team
Our Team is made up of young professionals with innovative ideas and the energy to make things happen! Each member of our Team brings special skills to the table. Whether a project requires skills in programming, graphics design, marketing, game concept, or customer service, the ZGroup Mobile's Team is prepared to tackle the project and come up with creative solutions.
Vision & Value
At ZGroup Mobile, it's not just what we do that sets us apart from the rest, it's how we do it. We've developed a culture of taking challenges head on. Our projects push us to utilize our skills and knowledge to the maximum extent and keep us on top of our competitors. We not only concentrate on company growth, we also care about the growth and development of each member of our team.
ZGroup Mobile takes mobile gaming and mobile multimedia to the next step! Our past and current projects speak for themselves. From developing a game to building a platform to integrating mobile content and catalogue's into customer platform, ZGroup Mobile represents the newest generation and the latest trends in Mobile entertainment.
ZGroup Mobile has extensive experience in various sectors of the mobile entertainment and continues to expand. With the persistent growth of the mobile entertainment market, one cannot ignore or oversee such big market with huge potential. Our aim is to make the gaming experience a fun and rewarding one.