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Defend Base

Defend Base 

Long Description:

Your army is busy with the enemy in the north. You are the only commander left beside the palace, where your King resides. The enemy took this opportunity and planned several attacks on bases near the palace.
Your mission is to stop the enemy, defend the bases, and save your King!. You shouldn't let the parachuters who are carrying bombs hit your base or else they will explode, and then you will loose your base, and your rank!
As the game advances there will faster enemies, and stronger attackes. The game features 10 levels + 1 final level.

The user can Upgrade his weapons as game advances. He can buy those upgrades with the points he acquired from his good fight. Upgrades include: bigger missiles, continuous fire mode, Moving cannon and Home-guided missiles.
Resume the game from the last level you have reached.
Sound & Vibrator effects make the game more enjoyable.

4,6: rotate the cannon left and right.
7,9: Move the cannon (available only when the user buys the appropriate upgrade).
5: Fire.
0: Pause the game.
*: Continuous Fire (available only when the user buys the appropriate upgrade).
1,2,3: Selects missiles type: Normal, double-shots, home-guided missiles.



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shootemup Mobile games

players interested in this game are advised to look at one of the following games:



Publishing Program

We want to deliver your content to the world! The Publishing Program was created to bring high quality mobile content to the world's largest distribution channels. We are looking for mobile content companies and independent developers from all over the globe to join our program, which will allow them to receive the global distribution and maximizing of profit potential they desire. Taking advantage of FifthAxis's development background, companies can look to us not only for publishing, but to provide the kind of assistance they need in designing better games and working out technical issues. We are seeking mobile content of all types, from games and ringtones, to mobile video. If you are interested in worldwide distribution of your content, or looking to expand on existing distribution, click here to learn more about our publishing service.

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