Team 6
Redcell has taken over an office tower, and it’s up to your five-person squad to infiltrate the building, eliminate the threat, and rescue the hostages. Equip your team with weapons including the MP5 Navy, MP7, M4, FAMAS, G36K, and functional equiptment like flashbang grenades and thermal goggles.
The player will face off against a terrorist squad that has various weapons, line of sight, varying patrol patterns and numerical advantage. Each of the twelve levels has unique goals, including hostage rescue, enemy elimination, bomb disarmament and stealth. Gain keycards to open locked doors and prepare for the fight of you life!
Use the arrows to move your SEAL around. Use the 5 key to switch between team members. Pressing # brings up the mini map, pressing * brings up a menu that lists the equipment and weapon for your SEAL. Pressing 0 will use any special equiptment like flashbang grenades or thermal goggles. During battle mode, press the key number displayed in the middle of the screen as fast as possible to defeat the opposing foe. You can avoid combat by staying out of the enemy’s radar and stabbing them from behind. Purchase equiptment using the menu after each level.