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Split Second

Split Second

Long Description:

Welcome to the competitive sport of Time Keeping, where every micro second counts. A sport like no other, where speed, instinct and sheer grit, determine the winner. Help this unheralded though highly popular (with us at Fugumobile atleast) sport achieve Olympics status and crown yourself as ‘Time Keeper’ of your nation.

Five Second Marathon:
Stop the clock at exact 5-second intervals. Do this 12 times and the differential times will be added to give you your exact score. As is obvious, the lowest score wins.

2. Fastest Finger:
Simple rules. How many times can you stop the clock in 5 seconds? Set the record for the quickest reaction time

3. Olympic Records: 
Be an Olympian in the true sense. Equal existing Olympic records to imbibe the spirit of the games. Remember you have to exactly equal the record timings not beat them-- Athletics: Men’s 100m Sprint-- Aquatics: Men’s 50m Freestyle-- Athletics: Men’s 110m Hurdles-- Cycling: Men’s Sprint 

Press Fire/5- to start or stop the clock



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