
We have a catalog of more than 2,340,000 wallpapers available in all sizes to fit into any mobile device. The catalogue is distributed on different categories like abstract, animals, animated, anime, cars, brands, Christmas, Films, games, adult, landscape, funny, sports, stars, people, technology and TV. If you are interested to get the right to distribute our wallpapers then please send an email to contact@zgroup-mobile.com with the word "Wallpapers" in the subject. Please include some info about your company.

For each of our wallpapers we have the following sizes: 96x65, 128x128, 128x160, 132x176, 176x208, 176x220, 208x208, 240x320, 320x240, 352x416, 360x640, 480x800, 480x320, 800x400.

For each of our wallpapers we have the following formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF.